Month: June 2019

  • It Takes A Village To Raise A Schedule

    I made a mistake. It cost (I totaled it) 490 people minutes.  That’s a full eight-hour day for one person. I discovered it yesterday.  Actually, I didn’t discover it.  My supervisory staff did. I did not check the schedule carefully enough, and so incoming campers were going to get schedules with all incorrect times. Our…

  • Positive Attitude: What In The World Does That Mean?

    I woke up yesterday with deep anxiety.  It is not an unusual occurrence.  Some days it happens and some days it does not.  It may have a trigger that trips it, or an upcoming event.  Or it may be completely random.  As in, “Where in the world did that come from?” I now know where…

  • A Simple, Quiet Act

    The first night of the summer at TLC is full of a lot of things, as the worlds of 40 TLC staff members and 100 campers meet.  Hope.  Fun. Laughter. Anxiety. Joy. Learning.  And, in my case, forgetfulness. After 38 years of this, you’d think I’d remember the exact order of things.  You would be…