Year: 2020
Finding Peace in the Midst of Uncertainty
It’s been a rough year. But today, I will recall my conversation with family camper Kim this week, that made me laugh so hard my spouse, Leandra, came out of her office afterwards and said, “You sounded so happy.” Because, during these times, happiness can sometimes seem like a treasure you can’t remember where you…
Healing Our Brokenness
Our country is broken into millions of little pieces. Why? Because every human being I know is broken. Can we ever be put back together? That depends. We are always faced with two choices with our brokenness. We can take those jagged pieces of our lives and we can slash, and we can stab, and…
The Meditation of Tennis
I’m not a good meditator. I know I’m “supposed” to be. We hear all the time how meditation will calm you and make you a more centered person. I have tried. And tried. And tried. But “centered” and ADHD aren’t usually two concepts you use in the same sentence. So tennis becomes my meditation. On…
A Name to Make You Smile
Let’s face it. Sometimes there’s not much to smile about these days. And I don’t even have to explain to you why, so I won’t. So, try this. Bring to mind someone whose name makes you smile. Sit there with it for a few moments. And let yourself smile. They do not need to be in…
Hope in the Messy Middle
TLC was put into a situation out of our control three months ago when COVID-19 hit, just as you were, and the entire world was. All of TLC’s revenue as a not-for-profit comes in the eight weeks of summer camp that we are canceling for the safety of all, and we face uncertainty, just as…
Anxiety Is Essential For…. What???
I talked with my 88-year-old mentor, Chuck Lofy, two days ago, as the magnitude of the pandemic washed over me. Chuck is probably the person who has helped me through more life changes than anyone in my life other than Leandra and Madeline. He, Steve Wilkinson, and Dennis Johnson have been my rocks as mentors.…
The Grass Is Green…
He would be 50 now. He would be director of TLC. He would have you laughing at his goofy jokes. And crying at how tender hearted he could be to the people who were least popular. He made them feel like they were whole. Because they were whole to him. And, in his eyes, everyone…
When Life Takes a Turn, Turn With It
Thirty-nine years ago tonight I was kidnapped. Taken from my dorm room at midnight, despite my fruitless protests. I had come from a late-night student meeting at Gustavus where I was a senior. I was sick, tired and had my GREs (Graduate Record Exams) early the next morning. And I was greeted at my dorm…
My Actions Are My Only True Possessions
Who are you without March Madness? Who are you without the pro tennis circuit? Who are you without the NBA to distract you? The NHL? MLB? Theater? Concerts? Restaurants and bars? Your synagogue, church, mosque, temple? Who are you without your job as custodian? Or teacher? Or fund raiser? Or musician? Or server? Or tennis…
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
I woke up this morning at 3:18 AM. I was thinking about forgiveness. I didn’t even try to get back to sleep, just laid there rolling it around in my head. Because there is someone (and a list that is much longer than one, I’m afraid, but we’ll start with one) that I have been…