Hi Tennis and Life Friends,
Tennis & Life Camps is thrilled and grateful to announce the receipt of a $1,000,000 gift from Boy and Betty Toy, longtime TLC supporters. The gift honors the work of the TLC summer staff for going above and beyond the duties of a regular job and acknowledges the impact summer staff make on the lives of thousands of campers.

This endowed gift — meaning a permanent account is created where only an annual spending allowance is used — is a game changer for TLC summer wages in being able to continue to recruit, retain, and financially reward excellent instructors and staff.
But really, this is a love story.
- It is about love for a country – the U.S. – that over seventy years ago welcomed Boy and Betty with open arms as immigrants who had survived near-starvation and brutality in their separate villages as children in Japan-occupied China during World War II. Boy recalls those war torn years living in constant fear of life or death. Boy and Betty have never forgotten being welcomed to America, a new land to start over in safety and peace.
- It is about the love of two people finding each other in, of all places, Duluth, MN. They married over 60 years ago and have rarely been seen apart since.
- It is about the love of education. They both saw education as a path to a better life, and when they received their degrees, spent their professional lives as educators in public schools, giving back what they had received.
- It is about the love of tennis. They did not start playing until they were in their 40s. And it was love at first sight. They became passionate about the game and a fixture in the Upper Midwest tennis scene as volunteers at many events over the years.
- It is about the love for Tennis & Life Camps founders Steve and Barb Wilkinson and Steve’s philosophy, and how it changed their lives, not just their tennis games. Boy says he lives by the sportsmanship mantra Steve stressed over and over as not only a tennis lesson, but a life lesson. “If the ball is 99% out, you must
Boy and Betty in 2022 being inducted into the USTA Northern Section Hall of Fame! call it good for your opponent,” because otherwise you will be cheating (knowingly or unknowingly) your opponent out of something that is rightfully theirs.
- And, finally, it is about the love for the TLC staff that Boy and Betty wanted to somehow reward for their work. They saw the grinding work our staff members do for many hours in the heat, seven days a week and still embrace the Three Crowns of Positive Attitude, Full Effort, and Good Sportsmanship as their guiding principle. But, what Boy and Betty saw – and why they want to recognize and financially reward the staff – is their unselfish attitude off court and the joy they have being with each other and the campers. How theysee staff go above and beyond the call of duty. How they carry in luggage, eat with campers, get to know campers as people and not just players, learn everyone’s name, even sing TLC camp songs with campers at the top of their lungs about how to make the world a better place with kindness, openness and humor.
- Perhaps the most telling – and to me, beautiful – love of all is Boy and Betty recognizing, as former public educators, what is truly important in life. Steve Wilkinson wrote near the end of his life of giving to others in so many ways, including the gifts he and Barb provided philanthropically: “We are stewards of our possessions, not owners. We are obligated to be charitable, not just from our surplus, but from everything that exceeds our needs for a modest lifestyle.”
When Boy and Betty gave this endowed gift, as former educators, to honor and support the work of the TLC summer staff, the last thing Boy said to me hit me powerfully. “Money is not what is important. What is important is the staff and the work they do. This is why we are giving this gift.”
Please join us in thanking Boy and Betty Toy for a gift that will provide TLC in perpetuity the opportunity to continue spreading what we hope is a message of welcoming and embracing all, both on the court and off.
Happy Valentine’s Day, Boy and Betty. We love you!
40 responses to “TLC Announces $1,000,000 Gift of Love on Valentine’s Day!”
Grateful to them. Grateful to Tennis & Life camps for myself as a teen and now my child. Beautiful full life program.
What an amazing story and an incredible gift! Thank you Boy and Betty. With your gift please know you are changing the lives of many young kids across the Midwest. I can attest to the fact that many of our students would not have been able to attend this incredible camp without this scholarship program. It truly has had a positive impact on these kids lives and has helped build a strong foundation for what is right in this world. Thank you again and Happy Valentine’s Day!!
Wow. Incredible gift. What a nice story.
What a beautiful and inspiring gift! How grateful the community is for the Toy family generosity and involvement with TLC. An important message of love and supporting the continuation of love and learning through TLC camps for generations!
Wow! Thank you so much for sharing the Toy’s story! Our daughter Allison attended TLC for 2 summers as a kid (loved it!) and, as fate would have it, now attends Gustavus Adolphus and plays varsity tennis. She has benefited from the Toy’s generosity, with an amazing tennis facility, one of the best DIII facilities in the country!
That is such an amazing gift from a truly amazing couple, Boy and Betty! Thank you both for your incredible generosity and your wonderful love story on this Valentine’s Day!
This email in my inbox on Valentine’s Day was such a gift to my soul and brought so many warm and loving thoughts. What incredibly beautiful people Boy and Betty are! TLC camp was a big part of my life when I was a young teen in the 80s. The camp week was pure joy and I loved every single minute of it. It was at camp with Steve Wilkinson where I first was introduced to meditation – where all the campers off the court were led in this new experience (I am sure for most) and it really was something I will never forget, the power of meditation, which I practice to this day.
Thank you TLC, Steve and Barb Wilkinson, and Boy and Betty for touching my heart today.
This is most wonderful! Thank you, Boy and Betty, for helping to make TLC even better!
Boy and Betty, Thank you for this wonderful gift! Your generosity and kindness are an inspiration! The leadership and staff are amazing at seeing people as the best versions of themselves every moment of camp. Your gift to recognize and reward them will have such a positive impact on TLC, particularly to continue to change lives!
I feel honored, and proud to be a small part of the TLC community.
Thank you Betty and Boy! What an incredibly kind gift and what an incredible actualization of the American Dream! Thank you!!!!
What a lovely story of giving. Thank you Toys!
Steve Wilkinson was right – as he was about many things – “We are stewards of our possessions, not owners.” Boy and Betty Toy’s story and their gift are both truly remarkable. And that’s a wonderful photo of Steve and Barb. Further thanks to the Toys for requesting it.
Nice article, thanks!
Wow! This is simply amazing. A a former Gustie tennis and hockey player and a parent of a TLC athlete, I cannot thank you enough!
Really such a heartfelt gift and so meaningful to share the Toy’s love story on St Valentine’s Day! 💝 Such inspiration!
Wow, what a wonderful story. A great impact and great acknowledgement. Thank you for sharing!
This is absolutely amazing! I remember being on the court as an instructor and working with Betty and Boy 25 years ago. They are a tremendous couple and have taught me so much. Thank you for your wonderful contributions to TLC!
Wow! What an amazing act of generosity and love – so fitting for Valentine’s Day! Betty and Boy are shining examples of the 3 Crowns and giving of themselves for the betterment of others! They are leaving a lasting legacy on the sport of tennis, TLC, and those who serve.
Thanks so much to the Toys!
Boy and Betty,
Thank you so much for your generous donation! I have known both Boy and Betty for, gosh, a long, long, time. After my time at Gustavus and TLC, I would occasionally see one or both of them at a tennis event or at a club and every time all of us would have a big smile on our faces and greet each other as if no time elapsed from our first introduction. Boy and Betty, every time I see you, you light up my day!
Raman Jayapathy
This is amazing!! My daughter has been attending summer camp here for the past couple years and will be attending again this summer. The staff is truly amazing, and my daughter has the best time at the camps! Thank you Boy and Betty for your support of this amazing gift to the TLC camp!!
I was there at the very beginning. 1977 when I was a player on Wilks team. Worked first 3 seasons of TLC. Hard work, long hours and I learned my teaching craft then. From my experience then I became a lifetime tennis coach. Wilk had a big dream and achieved it. Grateful to have been a small part
This is a life changing gift! Tennis & Life camps are like no other. They’re about the whole person, not just tennis. Our entire family of five attended Gustavus and my oldest son went to TLC and played tennis for the Gusties. TLC is near and dear to our hearts. A million (literally!) thanks to Boy and Betty!!!
This is incredible! I went on a J-Term trip back in 2003 to Australia lead by Steve Wilkinson and Boy and Betty were on the trip as well. They left a lasting impact on me back then and now again as I send my daughter to TLC!
Truly amazing human beings! Boy and Betty are the best!
Betty and Boy. You are two amazing people. Such great role models both in the court and off. Thank you for sharing your gifts so that others can enjoy their passions.
Wonderful & amazing, your donation will be so powerful through the the principles of TLC 👑👑👑
The love that Boy and Betty share for each other and for the game of tennis (and as their yoga teacher, I can say also for yoga), shines through them and touches anyone who is blessed to be a part of their lives.
All that have the great fortune to meet Betty and Boy realize what an amazing impact two people can make by being selfless and caring for the needs of others and their community. The Toys gave me and my family and our tennis community so much love. Through hard work and volunteerism the Toys got things done! TLC will continue their great work because of the legacy gift of the Toys. Thanks Betty and Boy for showing us all how wonderful life is!
Boy and Betty are an inspiration! What an incredible gift from two amazing human beings. Thanks for sharing your love with so many kids that will benefit from your generosity.
Boy and Betty! What a great example of generosity, kindness and care for this current generation and also the next generation of tennis instructors and players! Your large gift will be further multiplied as so many lives can be impacted by your investment in this great sport! What a legacy!
Betty & Boy’s generosity doesn’t surprise me. They have always been gracious & giving people with their time & spirit. Love them both. And Betty’s hugs are the best!
This does not surprise me at all….I met Betty and Boy Toy years ago at Lifetime Fitness in Fridley, MN and fell in love with that wonderful couple… we loved playing tennis together and hanging out socially as well… they both have such sparkling personalities, generous hearts and a true love of life…. A Happy Valentines tribute to them indeed❤️love you guys, Tracy and Steve
Boy and Betty, I am honored to know you and honored to be your friend. Live in peace with thanks for all you’ve done for your community.
I am honored to call Boy and Betty my friends and to have them coach tennis with me. Their generosity to tennis financially and in time volunteering is inspiring!
What a wonderful tribute by Boy and Betty! And what wonderful tributes by others to Boy and Betty! Thank you for your generosity and leadership. Like Krista Pawlicki, I was an instructor at TLC 25 plus years ago. While it is likely not surprising that I don’t remember all of the people that came through TLC, it is also likely not surprising that I absolutely remember Boy and Betty from our time on court together. They were always full of joy and that joy impacted everyone around them. Thank you for who you are!
You guys are the bomb! We miss you sooo much at friendly Fridley Lifetime. The generosity of your hearts is unsurpassed, whether offering greetings to fellow members, or giving such a wonderful gift to Gustavus. 💕
Dick Schneider, I feel connected to many parts of this great story. I taught at TLC in the early days, I played at Gustavus knowing the Wilkinsons, and I’ve known Boy and Betty for 15 plus years teaching at Lifetime Moore Lake. The Toys represent everything about this wonderful sport and our generous tennis community. The most down to earth , humble people I know.
For the very private Boy and Betty to donate so much is not just an act of generosity. It is a testament to their core values: Love for tennis, love for their adopted motherland, love for the value of hard work that led them to their financial success, deep understanding of the principle of healthy body healthy mind, a tribute to the value of friendship across ethnicity, religious beliefs , class warfare and boundaries. It is also a tribute to what TLC has done for so many. Salute to you and to Betty and Boy. We miss you!!
Hi Betty and Boy,
It is so lucky to meet you both in my life, kind and friendly persons that I never know you before. You arrange your friends to play Table Tennis with me when I drove from Vancouver to Minneapolis. Noreen and I will miss you very much. Hope to see you both again.
Noreen and Newman