Month: February 2018

  • Why Are We Even Here?

    Last weekend, our daughter swam in her college conference swim championships. She was seeded anywhere from 7th to 10th in her individual events, and had one of the slower relay times on her relay teams going in. She swam the meet of her life. She ended up with five firsts and a fourth, and was…

  • Love-Love

    This is a love story. The end of December, Boy and Betty Toy and I met at the American Swedish Institute in Minneapolis.  We sat across the desk from each other, Boy and Betty with pens in hand.  Boy teared up.  He said, “I woke up this morning. l looked at Betty and said, ‘Can…

  • Humility

    The Fridinger family – a longtime TLC family – has been named the National USTA Family of the Year. And they don’t want anyone to know. They don’t think what they do is a big deal.  Or should be made a big deal.  They would be happy if everyone would just go away.  So they…